Pellet die CPM 7930-4 kune mhuka inopa stainless simbi pellasizing mhete inofa
Mhete die cpm7930-4;
Mhuka inodyisa pellet muchina; -
CPM7936 pellet chill captence mhete inofa
Mhete inofa inoshanda:
2.Fertititizer pellet muchina, marudzi ese emhuka / yehuku / zvipfuyo zvechipfuyo chekudya chellet muchina.
CPM ring die is widely used in the processing of feed, the pellet forming of biomass energy such as straw and sawdust, the production of compound fertilizer, the compression of marigold particles, and the production of petroleum and plastic particles. Sarudza akasiyana maGranulators ezvimwe zvinhu zvakasiyana.
CPM3020 CPM30-6 Mhete inofa
1. Zvinyorwa: x46cr13 / 4CC13 (Stainless Steel), 20mncr5 / 20crbnti (Alloy Steel), yakagadziriswa
4. Pellet die diy mhando: Mhete inofa kana flat kufa